Патрульный катер проекта 03160 Раптор Arma Models

Мартовские новинки от Revell

1/24 2017 Ford GT Model Kit

Мартовские новинки от Revell

Product ID: 85-1987


Skill Level: NSK2

Scale: 1/24

Length: 7-5/8"

Width: 3-1/4"

Height: 1-13/16"

Parts: 28


Racing heritage, winning technology

Оригинальный Ford GT был разработан в 1964 году Форд для престижных 24-часовых гонок Ле-Ман во Франции. Форд хотел доказать, что они могли бы не только конкурировать с лучшими в мире, но выиграть. После нескольких грубых стартов, то Ford GT выиграл гонку Ле-Ман 4 года подряд. В настоящее время, на 50-й годовщины первой победы, Ford разработала все новый Ford GT с использованием передовых технологий и механического ноу-хау совершенствовались на протяжении пяти десятилетий. Комплект оснащен подробный интерьер, дисковые тормоза и металлические мосты. Формованные в цвете.

1/25 '67 NicKey Camaro® RS™/SS™ 427 Plastic Model Kit

Мартовские новинки от Revell

Product ID: 85-4377


Skill level: NSK5

Scale: 1/25

Length: 7-5/16"

Width: 2-15/16"

Height: 1-3/4"

Parts: 128


Racing heritage, winning technology

If you wanted a super sweet ride in the '60s, you went to the performance specialists at NicKey Chevrolet®. NicKey Chevy® had been building, selling, and stocking the best in high performance cars and parts since the 1950s. From their headquarters on the north side of Chicago, (home of the backwards K) they developed a reputation for top performance that stretched from coast to coast. This kit features parts to give you a top-notch NicKey Camaro® with RS interior and exterior trim options, tube header exhaust, rear traction bars, and soft black tires

1/24 Schlingmann HLF 20 MAN TGM Euro 6 Plastic Model Kit

Мартовские новинки от Revell

Product ID: 80-7452


Skill level: 5

Scale: 1:1/24


Where's the fire?

When lives are on the line you can't afford even momentary breakdowns, so Schlingmann focuses on delivering the highest quality machines to firefighting services across the European Union. The HLF 20 operates as a fire-fighting platform with a rescue ladder, fire pumps, and stowage room for all the gear firefighters need! These engines are also equipped with first-responder equipment for dealing with traffic accidents on the autobahn and tense scenes everywhere.

1/72 Avro Shackleton Mk.3 Plastic Model Kit

Мартовские новинки от Revell

Product ID: 80-4920


Skill level: 3

Scale: 1:1/72

Length: 370 mm

Wingspan: 506 mm

Parts: 193


Superior sub sinker

Designed after the end of WWII to help fill the gap left by returning Lend-Lease bombers, the Avro Shackleton found itself searching for an old ally during the Cold War. Assisting it in its task was a bewildering array of sensors that could pick up everything from radar signatures to diesel emissions. Once detected, the Shackleton could engage subs with 20mm cannons, bombs, depth charges, and even nuclear depth charges. After forty years of service, the Shackleton was withdrawn in 1991.

Инструкция для 1/72 Avro Shackleton Mk.3

1/144 Embraer 195 Plastic Model Kit

Мартовские новинки от Revell

Product ID: 80-4884


Skill level: 3

Scale: 1:1/144


Big Brazilian Bird

Newer, larger versions of the E-175s, Embraer 195s are designed to convey between 100 and 125 passengers on mid-range flights. They were designed by the Brazilian government-backed company Embraer and are sold all over the world-helping contribute to Embraer's status as one of the five largest aircraft manufacturers in the world. One popular user of the Embraer 195 is Air Dolomiti. This airliner operates ten Embraer 195s between Munich and Italy for carrying 120 passengers each for both business and vacation.

Инструкция для 1/144 Embraer 195

Источник: http://www.revell.com/new.html

4 марта 2016, 08:53 Модельные новостиRudic5166RSS
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